Interested in Whiter Teeth?

Through the use of a custom-made delivery system and the latest in teeth-whitening technology offered by The Denture and Implant Centre, you can have whiter and brighter teeth.
Teeth whitening is a simple and effective process that lightens discoloration of enamel and dentin. The system uses a peroxide-based gel retained in a custom-fitted applies that is worn over your teeth. It can be used during the day or while you sleep.
Tooth discoloration is caused by ageing, staining substances like coffee, tea, colas and tobacco, excessive fluoride and nerve degeneration. The whitening process is most effective on mildly discolored teeth. The degree of whitening will vary from person to person, depending on the structure of the teeth and how long the system is used.
Results are usually seen the following the first night. The best results generally occur when the process is continued for 10 to 14 nights.
Questions & Answers about Teeth Whitening – – Talk with Mike for more information
Q: What causes tooth discoloration?
A: Discoloration maybe the result of genetics, medication, poor oral hygiene, aging, smoking, certain foods and beverages, or a combination of these factors.
Q: Are you a good candidate for tooth whitening?
A: People with most types of discoloration can achieve lighter teeth through Sapphire Whitening Systems, which is offered at The Denture Centre. The type of stain you have will affect how much whitening you will experience. Ask Mike how much whiter your teeth can be.
Q: What is Sapphire Chairside Whitening Gel?
A: Sapphire Chairside Whitening Gel is a hydrogen peroxide formula. When activated by the Sapphire light, whitening of up to 12 shades is often achieved in one hour.
Q: Is this whitening procedure safe?
A: Absolutely! When used under the supervision of a dental professional, the procedures is safe and will not harm teeth or gums.
Q: Will I have to wear a mouth tray?
A: Sapphire Chairside Whitening does not require the use of a mouth row. This is a one-visit procedure that your denturist will perform. You will be given a mouth tray and Sapphire Brilliant Toothpaste for at-home touch-ups to use as you need.