Denture Implant Consultations

If the idea of getting a dental implant seems daunting for you, we don’t blame you at all!
A couple of the biggest concerns that we commonly hear are: “Does the process hurt?” and “Will this cost me an arm and a leg?”. Contrary to what you may have heard, the process is affordable and our team will be by your side every step of the way. We’ve put together this outline of the Implant process to calm your concerns and show you the immense benefits of wearing dentures over implants.
Whether you’ve had your teeth removed due to an accident, disease or general aging, dentures will give you back a smile that you will love to show off. Regular dentures are a great aesthetic option but they lack the functionality that regular teeth provide. One of the biggest things that you may have heard is the lack of chewing strength dentures provide. Another downside to losing your teeth is that your jawbone will begin to gradually shrink due to a lack of simulation.
This brings us to why dental implants + dentures are such an amazing option. Dental implants are placed into your jaw bone providing your dentures with a level of strength and stability that is unmatched. The implants will halt your jawbones atrophy, resulting in a preservation of strength and appearance.
The dentures that we create will easily snap into place, attaching themselves to the implants that your Surgeon installs. The resulting fit is secure and sturdy, allowing you to enjoy hard to eat foods such as steak and sandwiches. You won’t ever have to worry about your dentures moving out of place as you talk or open your mouth ever again. The cool thing about the denture to implant connection is that the dentures can be easily removed for cleaning and storing overnight. Your gums will love some rest time overnight!
During your initial consultation, your Denturist will do a complete examination of your mouth, jaw, neck and head to create a custom, catered plan for you. It’s important that we create a set of dentures that match your natural jaw movements, resulting in a comfortable fit that won’t cause any pain over time.
There are alot of financing options available for you to make the cost of dentures and the dental implants reasonable and affordable. Our team will walk you through these plans so that you know exactly how much the entire process will cost. The last thing we want is for our patients to be hit with a surprise bill so rest assured that we’ll make the process completely transparent!
Once we have completed your examination, we will schedule an appointment for you with one of our great Dental Surgeon partners. We only work with the best in the industry so that the implant process is done correctly the first time!