Denture Engraving — Protect Your Investment

Denture engraving is an easy and inexpensive way to save our patients hours of stress and thousands of dollars in the event that dentures go missing. When dentures are misplaced, it can cause unnecessary worry and distress — especially for our patients that rely on their dentures on a daily basis.
Once the patient’s name is discreetly engraved on the denture, it’s much easier to return the dentures to their rightful owner. The engravings are generally placed on the rear of the denture and not visible to friends or family.
Dentures often need to be removed for routine cleanings, maintenance, or service — unfortunately, that means they’re sometimes misplaced.
When dentures are lost, it can mean several visits with the denturist and hundreds (or thousands) of lost dollars. Engraving dentures is an easy way to reduce the risk of dentures going missing indefinitely.
What Does It Mean To Engrave Dentures?
Denture engraving allows us to put the name or contact information of our patients in a discreet location on the dentures themselves. If the dentures are lost, the engravings make it much more likely that they find their way back to the patient.
When dentures go missing, it can lead to discomfort, reduced confidence, and unnecessary stress — nobody wants to go without their teeth for an extended period of time.
An increasing number of our patients are choosing to get their dentures engraved. Engraving dentures is a popular solution for patients with memory loss, people in a full-time assisted living facility, or who have frequent visits to the hospital.
Patients who get their name or contact information engraved on their dentures experience much lower levels of stress and shorter return times than patients who choose to not get their dentures engraved.
The engraving process is easy and can usually be completed within a single appointment. The engravings are permanent and resistant to routine cleanings and disinfecting agents — so no need to worry about the labels coming off.
Denture Engraving at The Denture & Implant Centre
Rather than worrying about new dentures in the event that they are lost, get them engraved so that they can be returned to the patient as soon as possible.
As we mentioned above, replacing missing dentures can be expensive and time-consuming — especially for elderly patients who rely on their dentures every day.
Many patients have had their lost dentures returned safely due to discreet engravings with their name or contact information. A short engraving appointment with The Denture & Implant Centre could potentially save you thousands of dollars and hours of lost time.
Are you interested in getting your dentures engraved? The process can normally be completed in an afternoon and could save you from stress or lost time and money. Schedule your engraving appointment today.