How Partial Dentures Can Save You Thousands of Dollars in The Long Run

Many people disregard a single cracked or missing tooth. Don’t worry — you’re not alone in your thinking.
It may seem like no big deal at the time but even a single missing tooth can end up costing you thousands of dollars in the long run.
When you’re missing one or more teeth, the rest of your teeth need to pick up the slack. This means that you’ll probably favour one side of your mouth and cause your remaining teeth to wear down faster than they normally would.
Wearing your teeth down prematurely can lead to costly dental procedures or more expensive denture products.
Lacking teeth also means that your jawbone and facial structure may change — which can make you look older than you actually are.
If you still have most of your remaining teeth, partial dentures are an excellent solution to boost your oral health and keep you looking younger, for longer.
The Many Benefits of Partial Dentures
Partial dentures rely on the existing strength of your remaining teeth. They latch onto your natural teeth in order to fill any gaps — providing much-needed support and preventing your natural teeth from shifting further.
When you lose a tooth, your jawbone slowly starts to degrade wherever the tooth or teeth once stood. Gaps can lead to significant changes in the structure of your mouth and jaw.
These changes often cause your jaw to shrink and weaken. You may struggle eating foods you once enjoyed or experience sensitivity to normal pressures.
As we mentioned above, when missing one or more teeth, your remaining teeth need to pick up the extra workload. This can significantly shorten the life of your natural teeth — leading to more cavities, chips, or discomfort over time.
Partial dentures mitigate these issues by providing the support your jaw and teeth need. Your teeth will shift less often and the pressures of eating and speaking will be distributed more evenly. Both of these factors are shown to increase the longevity of your natural teeth — meaning you can avoid expensive surgeries or procedures down the road.
Another major benefit of partial dentures is that they can restore your sense of self confidence. \
Our smile is one of our greatest assets — many of our partial denture patients claim they smile, laugh, and speak less often as a result of missing teeth.
Partial dentures fill in gaps in your smile (most people won’t even know you’re wearing dentures) so you can get back to being your confident self.
By investing in partial dentures before losing more teeth than you need to, you can save thousands of dollars and years worth of self-confidence.
Partial Dentures at The Denture & Implant Centre
At The Denture & Implant Centre, we hear hundreds of success stories every year. We take pride in restoring our patients’ self confidence at an affordable price point.
Contact our friendly team today to learn more about partial dentures and how they can help you feel more like yourself — while saving yourself thousands of dollars in the long run.