5 Signs It’s Time For New Dentures

Dentures are a great solution to a variety of oral health issues. They can reduce pain and discomfort related to lost or damaged teeth and boost your confidence in everyday interactions. However, dentures require regular maintenance and should be looked at by your denturist at least once a year.
With proper care, a good set of dentures should last you between 5 – 7 years. Even with regular maintenance, dentures undergo a lot of wear and tear which means that you’ll likely need to replace them in your lifetime. Beyond wear and tear, accidents and natural changes in oral health can occur.
Here are 5 signs that it’s time for new dentures.
- Your Dentures Are Loose.
This is usually one of the first signs that your dentures need attention. If they’re not fitting like they used to and are coming loose more frequently, you’ll want to get them looked at as soon as you can. Loose dentures can often be fixed with a realignment but can cause further oral health problems if not taken care of.
- You’re having difficulty speaking.
If you find that your words are becoming slurred or your dentures are getting loose during a conversation, you should pay a visit to your denture center. If your dentures are a few years old, it could mean they need a simple reline or that it’s time to look at a new set.
- Eating Has Become Uncomfortable.
Has eating become painful or uncomfortable? Properly fitted dentures should not cause any pain or discomfort. This can lead to your stomach working overtime to breakdown food that hasn’t been properly chewed. If you’re experiencing indigestion or difficulty eating, you should see your denturist.
- You Have Sores On Your Gums
Improperly fitting or worn down dentures can cause sores to open up on your gum line. Although your dentures are constantly rubbing up against your gums, they shouldn’t leave behind painful sores. Oral injuries can often become infected due to the bacteria hiding in your mouth. Get your dentures looked at if they’re causing open sores.
- You Have Lost More Teeth
If you have lost more teeth since you got your dentures made, you’ll need to consult your denturist. Losing more teeth puts a lot of extra stress on the rest of your mouth and dentures. This stress can lead to your dentures and remaining teeth becoming worn out much faster. In order to prolong the life of your teeth, get your dentures looked at if another tooth comes loose.
Listen To Your Body
Your dentures should be a tool that improves your overall quality of life. They should be comfortable and pain-free. If your dentures don’t feel right or are coming loose and causing you discomfort, schedule an appointment with our team so that we can examine the problem and get you sorted!
Are you having troubles with your dentures? It might be time to get them replaced. Give The Denture & Implant Center a call to set up an appointment. We can answer all your questions and find the right denture solution for your needs.