The Denture & Implant Centre Uses Advanced Denture Technology in Red Deer

At The Denture and Implant Centre, we know that dentures have come a long way. At one time, dentures were done by medical doctors who travelled through small towns, pulling teeth and putting casts on broken arms. All kinds of materials were used including wood and ivory. Making dentures really has become an art form.”
Like most aspects of our technology and knowledge-driven society, there have been huge changes in what denturists can offer and what they can do. Technology has had a great impact on dentistry and denturism and in the making of dentures. What’s great is that consumers recognize the health benefits that technology can deliver. The Denture & Implant Centre has invested in a technology based practice that uses, among other techniques, digital jaw records and computer program –based sensors to get a digital record of how the patients’ mouth moves and functions.
Avadent Digital Dentures raised my interest a couple of years ago. It was not just simply because I can really help with the patients’ appearance – and nothing is more important than your smile – but because of the time-savings it delivered for my patients.
Since many of the Centre’s patients travel several hours from somewhere in Central Alberta, the reduced time in the clinic means less money spent on gas and travel expenses as well as less time away from their families and, in some cases, their jobs. The time-saving is due to how Avadent Digital Dentures can be fabricated through the use of digital imagery in two or three appointments.
The end product is customized to the patients’ mouth and this improves overall health. Because there is a digital record, a broken or lost Avadent denture can be made without patient involvement. It was accurately described as a new denture process that is being developed that uses cutting edge technology to computer design and computer manufacture the denture.
The responses of the consumer participants acknowledged important benefits including how good were the dentures; how the guesswork was removed about the final product; appreciation of the fact that the procedure took less time; and how the end product was a perfect fit. The reputation of Avadent has spread recently including being introduced and showcased on CNN. This advanced technology is now working its way across North America and has also been launched in Europe as of this year.
One aspect of denturism in Alberta is that the profession is under the same quality of control as dentists and doctors. We adhere to the same sterilization standard, for example, as them. I am also really happy with how our scope of services has increased. We can work with younger patients who may be missing one or two teeth, or a young person who needs a sports guard or a grinding guard to help patients sleep.
We are blowing the roof off our denture work. But it is not just about new technology for The Denture & Implant Centre, the relationships I build with our clientele are probably different from any other professions.
With the procedures involved, I really get to know the patients and have to establish trust and deliver my own strong belief in family values. I was raised in an close-knit, Ukrainian family and I want patients to feel warm and safe when they walk through our door. For both the young and the older set, the Denture & Implant Centre has something to offer you.