Identifying The Cause And Overcoming Denture Pain And Discomfort

Dentures are typically considered to be dental options that don’t cause much pain and enable you to have an improved dental functioning than before. However, with time, there is a possibility of things going wrong and your dentures might end up causing discomfort or pain.
The different types of dentures
Before understanding the causes of the pain, let’s look at the different kinds of dentures out there. These will help understand which ones might cause you the most discomfort if you don’t take care of them properly. Three different types of dentures are present including partial, intermediate, and complete dentures.
While the partial dentures barely have any issues that arise from them, the complete dentures are what might cause the most pain and discomfort given that their maintenance is the highest. When it comes to intermediate dentures, they’ll need to re-lined over time and there’s not much else that can go wrong with them.
Possible issues that might cause you pain and discomfort
Identifying the underlying issue can only be done by a professional, so you must be regular with your dental checkups. Other than that, there are also some common reasons why you might be feeling discomfort or pain in your mouth.
- Bacteria build-up
If you’re not cleaning your dentures, then there’s a high possibility that you have bacteria buildup on your dentures. This can lead to discomfort in your mouth as well as it might form painful sores in your mouth. As the number of bacteria increases, the possibility of yeast forming under the denture also increases, leaving you at risk of developing painful sores.
- Bad fit
As your mouth is prepared for dentures, it can change a bit throughout the healing process. This raises the possibility of your dentures not fitting well in your mouth. If they don’t fit well, then there’s a possibility that they might become uncomfortable to wear.
- Initial adjustment phase
When it comes to the initial stage, many people find it discomforting as there’s a lot of pressure on the gums. Adjusting to dentures can take some time and throughout this time, it leaves people feeling a bit uneasy.
How to go about overcoming pain and discomfort
If you feel pain and discomfort from your dentures, then it’s best to follow practices that will ensure better health for you.
- Maintenance
Make sure that you’re taking care of your dentures the right way. If your doctor has told you that you need to wash them twice and day, then that’s what you need to do. Don’t overlook this.
- Proper hygiene
Make sure that you’re keeping your mouth clean and free of bacteria as well. You don’t want to suffer from bad sores and the best way to do that is maintaining proper hygiene of your mouth.
- Re-lining or re-fitting
At times, you might need to head back to your doctor to make sure that your dentures are refitted or re-lined according to the changes in your mouth.
Seeking professional help must be the first thing you do to minimize the discomfort that your dentures are causing you. You’ll get to know the cause and also understand what needs to be done to overcome it.