Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants
At the Denture and Implant Centre, we get a ton of questions about dental implants. In short, they’re a more stable and secure form of denture that is supported by artificial metal roots.
In this article, we’ll clear up some of the most common questions and concerns of customers interested in dental implants.
FAQs: Dental Implants
What Are Dental Implants?
When you lose a tooth, you also lose the support and stability of the tooth’s root. Dental Implants are artificial metal roots that are inserted into your jawbone to support your dentures. Dental Implants provide the closest alternative to natural teeth.
What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?
Dental implants have several advantages over traditional dentures. First and foremost, dental implants increase the stability of your dentures. The implant acts as an anchor for your dentures which prevents them from slipping or falling out. Studies have also shown that dental implants preserve your jaw bone and reduce gum tissue loss — keeping your facial structure intact. Implants also allow you to eat more of the foods you want.
Who Should Use Dental Implants?
Dental implants are a good solution for people of all ages. The answer to this question greatly varies from person to person and usually depends on the number of teeth lost and the condition of the remaining teeth. If you’ve experienced some bone loss while using traditional dentures, you may want to consider implants because they can help slow the process of bone resorption.
How Much Do Denture Implants Cost?
The cost of denture implants varies from person to person. It largely depends on the condition of your remaining teeth and the number of teeth that need to be supported. In the long run, dental implants tend to be less expensive than traditional dentures, due to the increased stability and reliability of your teeth — leading to a lower risk of damage and accidents.
What Is The Denture Implant Process?
Again, the process is a little different for each patient. We’ll outline the exact process for you during your consultation but there are a few key points that are consistent for everyone. When you’re ready for your dental implants, your dental surgeon will surgically place the artificial metal roots into your jawbone. The healing process can take several weeks or months, depending on the extent of your surgery. Once your gums and jaw have healed, we can create your custom fitted dentures.
If you’re interested in dental implants, it’s important that you visit our office to discuss in more detail because the process can vary significantly from person to person.
Our denture specialists are always ready to answer your questions in person or over the phone. Schedule an appointment or contact us today!