5 Denture Care Tips

Look, we’ve all been there. It’s a family gathering, dinner was delicious, lots of laughs were had, but it’s the moment of truth now….the family photo! The days of worrying about showing your teeth are over, we’ve got some tips to help your smile shine!
Tip #1 – Remove and Rinse your dentures after eating
There’s bound to be a tiny bit of food that seems to never want to let go of your dentures! After you’re done your meal, take your dentures out and soak them under a gentle stream of warm water. It’s always good to play it safe and have a towel ready by the sink so that you can easily place them down after while you finish washing your hands! Now that you’ve rinsed your dentures we can be sure you won’t have a sneaky piece of lettuce hanging out in that photo!
Tip #2 – Brush your dentures daily
Have you noticed how many different types of toothbrushes there are at the local grocery store? If you’re confused about what kind of brush is best for cleaning your dentures, we don’t blame you! We want to make sure that we don’t bruise the dentures by brushing too hard so it’s best to use a soft bristle toothbrush, and if possible instead of toothpaste you should be using a non-abrasive denture cleaner. There should be lots of options in that toothpaste aisle that will keep your dentures smelling fresh and looking great! If you use any kind of denture adhesive, be sure to also clean the inside grooves so that you don’t have any leftover residue!
Tip #3 – Properly store your dentures overnight
If you were to follow Hollywood’s instructions of a storing your dentures in a glass filled with water on your nightstand, your dentures would not be very happy! It’s important to store your dentures in a liquid because they can become quite dry overnight, and that dryness can lead to cracks and damage which we don’t want! Most dentures have recommended solutions to be stored in so the ideal option is to follow the manufacturer’s suggestion. If you don’t have any solution on-hand, stick with warm or room-temperature water (stay away from hot water because it will damage your dentures). Contact us today if you have any questions regarding what solution to use for your dentures.
Tip #4 – Take care of your gums
Bacteria and germs love to cling onto your gums and set-up shop so it’s your job to keep your gums clean and healthy! After a long day of wearing your dentures, take a clean wet washcloth and gently wipe down your gums. This will wipe away any residue left over from the denture adhesive. It’s great to finish off by rinsing your gums with a non-alcoholic mouthwash. The rinse will kill off any leftover bacteria and leave you with a fresh breath that your partner will love!
Tip #5 – Schedule regular check-ups
Sometimes your dentures can start to slip around and cause irritation. A loose fit can cause sores and general pain in your mouth so it’s critical that your dentures sit nicely on your gums. By scheduling periodic check-ups with our office, we will make sure that you never run into any problems with your dentures, and we will also take a look at any options available that may benefit your current fit. Whether its a cleaning or an adjustment, we will make the whole process easy and comfortable. Contact our team today to learn more!